What Is Net Operating Income (NOI) in Real Estate?

Discover the power of Net Operating Income (NOI) in real estate. Learn how this crucial metric can help you evaluate property performance, make smarter investments, and boost profitability with smart property management solutions.

Net Operating Income (NOI) Defined:

NOI is crucial for income-generating properties. In real estate, you'll hear this term often. NOI measures a property's profitability by subtracting operating expenses from total revenue.

Why does NOI matter? It shows how well a property performs financially. NOI reveals the money left after covering essential expenses like maintenance, property management fees, and utilities.

Investors and property managers rely on NOI to make smart decisions. It helps evaluate if a property is a good investment or needs improvement. When considering new properties for your portfolio, knowing the NOI is vital. It allows you to compare properties fairly, focusing on their true earning potential.

To increase your property's profitability, keep an eye on NOI. It helps assess current performance and plan future improvements. Understanding and optimizing NOI leads to better investment choices and a stronger real estate portfolio.

How to Calculate NOI

To calculate Net Operating Income (NOI), use this formula: NOI = Total Revenue - Operating Expenses. Let’s break it down.

Total Revenue

Start with gross rental income. This is all the money you collect from rent. If you have other income sources like parking fees or laundry, include those too.

Vacancy Losses

Subtract any vacancy losses. This is the rent you didn’t collect because some units were empty. It’s key to account for this to get an accurate revenue figure.

Operating Expenses

Next, list your operating expenses. These are the costs necessary for running the property, like maintenance, property management fees, and utilities. Don’t include property taxes, interest, or depreciation here. They’re not part of operating expenses.

NOI calculator and formula

Example NOI Calculation

Imagine you own a multifamily property. Your gross rental income is $100,000 a year. You also make $5,000 from laundry and parking fees. That’s $105,000 in total revenue. Now, if you lost $10,000 from vacant units, your revenue drops to $95,000.

For operating expenses, say you spend $30,000 on maintenance, $10,000 on management fees, and $5,000 on utilities. That totals $45,000 in operating expenses.

Your NOI calculation looks like this:

NOI = $95,000 (Total Revenue) - $45,000 (Operating Expenses)
NOI = $50,000

This means your property’s Net Operating Income is $50,000.

Understanding how to calculate NOI helps you see your property’s profitability clearly. You can make smart decisions for improvements and investments. For instance, by integrating cloud-based access control systems and other smart amenities, you can significantly enhance property value and resident satisfaction. Keep an eye on NOI, and you’re on your way to a stronger real estate portfolio.


NOI and EBITDA are both crucial financial metrics, but they serve different purposes. Understanding these differences can help you make smarter investment decisions.

NOI (Net Operating Income)

NOI measures a property's performance by focusing solely on its ability to generate income. It considers:

  • Total Revenue: All income from rent and other sources like parking fees.

  • Operating Expenses: Costs necessary for running the property, such as maintenance and utilities, but excludes property taxes, interest, and depreciation.

NOI is specific to real estate and helps in understanding how well a property is doing financially. It helps property managers and investors evaluate profitability and make decisions about buying, selling, or improving properties.

EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization)

EBITDA is a broader measure used to assess a company's overall financial health. It considers:

  • Revenue: Total income from all business activities.

  • Operating Expenses: All costs related to running the business, excluding interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.

EBITDA provides a snapshot of a company's operational performance without the impact of financing and accounting decisions. It's useful for comparing businesses across different industries.

Key Differences

  • Scope: NOI is specific to real estate, while EBITDA applies to any business.

  • Expense Considerations: NOI excludes property taxes, interest, and depreciation, while EBITDA excludes interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.

  • Purpose: NOI helps in property valuation and investment decisions. EBITDA is used for assessing overall business performance.


Imagine you own a multifamily property. Your NOI is $50,000, as calculated earlier. If you were to look at EBITDA for a real estate company, you’d add back interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization to the NOI to get a clearer picture of the company's financial health.

Understanding both metrics gives you a comprehensive view of financial performance. Whether you're focusing on a single property or an entire business, knowing the distinctions between NOI and EBITDA helps you make informed decisions. For those interested in enhancing property management through technology, exploring innovations like cloud-based access control and self-guided apartment tours can provide additional insights into improving operational efficiency and tenant satisfaction.

real estate investing NOI

Does NOI Include Property Taxes?

Property taxes often confuse many when calculating Net Operating Income (NOI). Let's clear it up: NOI focuses solely on operating expenses and doesn’t include property taxes, interest, or depreciation.

Why exclude property taxes? Simple. We want to get a clear picture of a property's operational profitability. Including property taxes would skew this view. Property taxes are more about the cost of land and its permanent fixtures, not the day-to-day running of the property.

Operating expenses should cover essentials like maintenance, utilities, and property management fees. These are the costs directly tied to keeping the property functional and attractive to tenants. By excluding property taxes, we get a more accurate assessment of how well the property performs on a day-to-day basis.

Think of it this way: NOI gives you a snapshot of the property's true earning power, unaffected by external costs like taxes or financing. This makes it easier to compare properties on an even playing field, focusing purely on their operational efficiency.

Understanding what’s included in NOI helps you make smarter investment and management decisions. Keep your focus on operating expenses to get a true sense of your property's profitability. This clarity will guide you in optimizing performance and planning future improvements, such as incorporating advanced smart amenities. For example, integrating smart access control systems and other smart technologies can significantly enhance resident satisfaction and property value, driving long-term returns.

Ways to Maximize Your NOI

Maximizing your Net Operating Income (NOI) involves smart strategies. Here are some actionable tips:

  • Increase Rental Income: Regularly review market rates and consider strategic rent raises. Offer premium amenities like smart access control systems to justify higher rents. Enhancing property appeal with modern features can attract higher-paying tenants.

  • Upgrade Property Amenities: Invest in amenities that boost resident satisfaction and property value. Think smart locks, dedicated apartment apps, and modern communal spaces. These upgrades can command higher rents and improve tenant retention.

  • Reduce Operating Expenses: Implement energy-efficient upgrades like LED lighting and smart thermostats. These can lower utility bills. Review service contracts and renegotiate for better rates. Using cost-effective property management solutions can also cut down expenses.

  • Minimize Vacancy Rates: Effective marketing and tenant retention programs are key. Use social media, online listings, and community events to attract new tenants. Keep current tenants happy with responsive maintenance and community engagement.

  • Optimize Maintenance Practices: Regular maintenance prevents costly repairs down the line. Use a property management system to track and manage maintenance tasks efficiently. This proactive approach saves money and keeps properties in top condition. For additional insights on saving costs, explore our effective strategies for apartment automatic gate repair, which also contribute to budget management and improved resident satisfaction.

  • Review Service Contracts: Regularly review and renegotiate contracts for services like landscaping, cleaning, and utilities. Getting competitive bids can lower costs.

By focusing on these strategies, you can enhance your property's profitability and achieve a stronger NOI. Implementing these tips ensures better financial performance and long-term success.

Importance of Accurate NOI Calculation

Accurately calculating NOI is essential for making smart investment decisions. It’s a key metric that tells you how much income your property is generating after covering essential operating expenses. Knowing this number helps in evaluating property performance and making informed choices about acquisitions, sales, and management.

For starters, a precise NOI impacts property valuation. Lenders and investors look at NOI to determine the worth of a property. If your NOI is off, you might end up overpaying for a property or selling it for less than it’s worth. Accurate calculations ensure you’re making decisions based on solid financial data.

NOI also influences financing opportunities. Lenders often use NOI to assess the risk of financing a property. A higher NOI means a property is more likely to generate enough income to cover loan payments, making it a safer bet for lenders. This can lead to better loan terms and lower interest rates, saving you money in the long run.

Having an accurate NOI helps identify areas for improvement. By breaking down your operating expenses, you can see where costs might be cut or where efficiencies can be gained. Maybe you need to renegotiate service contracts or invest in energy-efficient upgrades. These changes can boost your NOI, making your property more profitable.

Additionally, NOI is crucial for comparing different properties. When looking to expand your portfolio, you need to compare properties on a level playing field. Accurate NOI calculations allow you to do that. You can see which properties are truly performing well and which might need more work.

Understanding and accurately calculating NOI is vital for any real estate investor or property manager. It’s not just a number; it’s a tool for making better financial decisions, securing favorable financing, and ultimately, maximizing your property’s profitability.

To see how Gatewise has helped other property managers improve their operations and financial outcomes, check out Q10 Property Management's success story with our innovative access control solutions.

smart real estate investing and savings

Key Takeaways

  • Net Operating Income (NOI): Essential for understanding a property's profitability. It's calculated by subtracting operating expenses from total revenue.

  • Importance of NOI: Helps investors and property managers evaluate property performance and make informed investment decisions. Accurate NOI leads to better property valuations and smarter financial choices.

  • Calculation Process: Start with total revenue, include all income sources like rent and fees. Subtract vacancy losses to get accurate revenue. Deduct operating expenses such as maintenance and utilities but exclude property taxes, interest, and depreciation.

  • NOI vs EBITDA: NOI focuses on real estate profitability by excluding non-operating expenses. EBITDA is broader, used for overall business health, excluding interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.

  • Maximizing NOI: Increase rental income through strategic rent raises and adding premium amenities. Upgrade property features to boost resident satisfaction and property value. Reduce operating expenses with energy-efficient upgrades and better service contracts. Minimize vacancy rates with effective marketing and tenant retention programs. Optimize maintenance practices to prevent costly repairs.

Understanding and calculating NOI accurately is key for real estate success. It’s a powerful tool for evaluating performance, securing favorable financing, and maximizing profitability. Keep these takeaways in mind to strengthen your real estate portfolio and make informed decisions.

Ready to boost your property's NOI with cutting-edge technology? Contact Gatewise today to learn how our smart access control solutions can enhance security, streamline operations, and increase your property's value. Our innovative systems not only attract premium tenants but also reduce operational costs, directly improving your NOI. Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your real estate investments – reach out to Gatewise now and take the first step towards maximizing your property's potential and profitability.